Promotion of tours

Promotion of tours

Promotion of tours

Promotion is an important set of measures aimed at the sale tours. Such methods may include advertising in mass media (newspapers, television, internet, and radio), participation in specialized exhibitions, fairs, organization of information centers, production of catalogues, booklets, and so on. Advertising activities of a tourist company may be supported by other types of efforts designed to promote the popularization of tourist services and to increase public awareness and positive reaction of the consumers (tourists) to the company’s offer.

Advertising has the major position in the set of promotion measures for a tourist product. Advertising is a paid form of presentation of a tourist product to a wide audience and creation of the tourist company’s image. The structure of the audience, i.e. quantity, gender and age of potential viewers may depend on the type of the chosen mass media, for example advertisements on TV allow their presenters to choose the specific group of viewers by showing it at a certain time of the day and during certain TV shows. Similarly, internet advertisements, or banners can be showed on websites dedicated to certain themes (i.e. extreme tourism, adventure tourism, business tourism etc.).

Tourism advertisements have the following goals: informing customers about the tours, formation of the company’s image; inducement of customers to buy the product, increase in sales, competition with other companies; maintaining people’s awareness about the available products.

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